In a nutshell, it's my elevator speech. It's my response to the question, "So, Jim, what do you do?"
I educate people in the skill of Leadership Transitioning™, which focuses on three areas: leadership development, coaching leaders, and a focus on health and wellness—both personal and organizational.
To elaborate, Leadership Transitioning™ is the ability to embrace change, envision success, adapt to the environment and surround ourselves with others committed to their own personal success. It's the ability to be disciplined and passionate on our leadership journey to develop the personal skills and capabilities necessary to achieve excellence in an environment of constant change. It's the ability to actively navigate the chaos and constant change of our modern world—and win!
How is it achieved? Three ways.
- Leadership development recognizes that we all have God-given skills that need to be honed and developed in order to maximize our leadership success..
- Coaching leaders reinvigorates willing leaders, builds effective teams and enables a team to capitalize on their capabilities and opportunities using their corporate culture as a base. The coach and the "coached" relationship is critical and special. Respect, trust, caring, honesty, commitment, perseverance, clear goals, work ethic and personal attitude are the key to success.
- Health and wellness focus recognizes that nothing is possible without a sound mind and body, and that balance is different for each individual and organization. It involves a mental toughness and proper mindset to be the best at achieving health, spiritual, mental and financial goals.
In a nutshell, that is what I do. Over the past 30 years of my career I have successfully worked with numerous leaders at all levels of organizations in the US, UK, Canada and South Africa. The industries and size of companies that I have worked with have included: manufacturing, energy (electrical, natural gas, governmental, international and support companies), major insurance companies, non-profits, universities and small family owned businesses.
Leadership Transitioning™ is the culmination of more than 30 years of learning, listening and sharing the principles that create high achievers—in both the professional and personal sense. Please visit my website, www.leadershiptransitioning.com, to learn more. Then give me a call and I'll be happy to help you transition to the level of success you desire and deserve.
Jim Ondrus pioneered the management concept of Leadership Transitioning™. He is president of JA Ondrus, LLC, a Canton, Ohio executive coaching firm.
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