Friday, January 20, 2017

The 10 Commandments of Personal Leadership

Over the past 35 years I have had the pleasure of working with some amazing colleagues. Through readings, interaction, discussion and observation over that time, I have taken the opportunity to compile this list of my 10 Commandments of Personal Leadership.

1.) Be passionate about your vision and the WHY behind it; communicate how everyone fits in.

2.) Build strong trusting and caring relationships, keep your commitments, and connect with your team at all levels.

3.) Be clear and enthusiastic on your expectations of your team and your team's expectations of you.

4.) Create and promote an innovative and dynamic learning environment. It starts with you!

5.) Be grateful for your team and show real, heartfelt appreciation. Trust your team to succeed.

6.) Be an active and effective coach. Listen, coach and be coachable.

7.) Enjoy your life and enable your team to enjoy their lives. Take care of yourself. "Balance of life!"

8.) Share your dreams with big dreamers. Learn the dreams of your team, your customers, and your business partners.

9.) Take accountability for your actions -- successes and failures. Hire people who are better than you.

10.) Lead by example, be supportive, and be collaborative with your team, customers and partners.

Jim Ondrus is a Vistage Chair and president of JA Ondrus, LLC in Canton, Ohio.

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